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MOA - Preserving a high level of vitality

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    Recommendation of Dr. Nader Butto

    The dietary supplement MOA, which is marketed by Ltd., is an equally effective alternative to drinking juice from hard vegetables. It has been tested and measured by Dr. Nader Butto and has been found to increase the level of vitality.

    This supplement is 100% natural, does not contain preservatives, and includes 36 super foods. It is rich with antioxidants, contributes to the proper functioning of the immune system, is anti-inflammatory, enriches the food of the cells and supports vitamin absorption.

    The supplement is a quick and easy alternative to those who find it difficult to prepare vegetable juices.

    Exotic ingredients, essential nutrition — each tiny pouch packs a huge punch! Consider Moa® the ideal superfood supplement to help the body by protecting cells from oxidative stress, supporting a normal energy-yielding metabolism and immune function.

    To purchase, please leave your details here on the page and we will contact you as soon as possible.

    What is a coffee enema?

    A coffee enema is the use of a warm coffee solution, inserted via a rectal tube to rinse, cleanse and stimulate the colon. The coffee is evacuated via usual rectal function into the toilet.

    What are the benefits of a coffee enema?

    > Cleanses the digestive system
    > Helps the liver to detoxify the blood
    > Improves the colon’s muscle tone
    > Cleanses the gall bladder
    > Energetically recharges vital energy (rich in antioxidants)

    Download INSTRUCTIONS For a coffee enema

    We recommend doing a coffee enema once a week. When ill or lacking energy, it can be done several times a week, even daily.

    1. Coffee enema’s are best done first thing in morning, as this process will energize you. It is recommended to avoid this practice in evening as you may find it difficult to fall asleep.

    2. Undertaking anaerobic exercise that activates large muscle groups (weight training) after the enema helps to move the energy into the muscles.

    3. You may find it difficult to absorb larger quantities of liquid initially. If this is the case, start with just 0.5 litre and build up over a few sessions.

    4.You may find it difficult to hold the coffee internally for 15 minutes at first. If this is the case, start with a shorter period and build up your muscle strength
    over a few sessions.

    Dr. Nader Butto

    Dr. Nader Butto is an internationally renowned cardiologist, who has conceptualized, created and developed the Unified Integrative Medicine method.

    While still studying for his medical degree, and being inquisitive by nature, Dr. Butto expressed interest in phenomena that are unexplained in conventional medicine and science, and began searching for answers in the spiritual world, in Eastern philosophies and in various alternative therapy methods.

    As a cardiologist, he worked as a senior catheterist for thirty years in one of Israel’s leading hospitals, while also expanding his knowledge and research into a variety of holistic fields, including studying the mind,

    physics (and in particular, quantum physics), mathematics, chemistry, shamanism and more – while consolidating an innovative, integrative and unifying approach to medicine.

    Dr. Butto is presently an internationally esteemed therapist, conceives natural, effective and proven diagnostic and treatment methods, researches and publishes scientific studies (as well as books), and personifies a life of health, light and giving, as he continues to pursue his life mission. He is fluent in a number of languages (English, Arabic, Hebrew, Italian and Spanish), manages an innovative, internationally unique therapy center (which he has established in Israel), and has taught his doctrine around the world to tens of thousands of people.

    Become a Certified Therapist

    The Unified Integrative Medicine study track developed by Dr. Nader Butto is professionally supported and delivered by Dr. Butto himself, and is the exclusive study program for learning and receiving a certification in unified integrative medicine.

    The study track is comprised of 7 modules + a practical certification track. It imparts to students the full spectrum of the training program, covering theory and practice, necessary to train them as integrative therapists in the method.

    The practical certification track is a training period of approximately six months. It includes practical exercises and the acquisition of more in-depth professional knowledge in fields such as psychosomatics, the Human Code, energetic and physical pathology, the patient-therapist relationship, professional ethics and more.

    The track is delivered in hybrid format – Zoom lessons, concentrated in-person retreats (in several locations around the world, depending on the language), and is supported by certified professional mentors.

    The track advocates a way of learning and way of life that are based on love, giving, meaning and health. All this, while encouraging (and challenging) students to expand their self-awareness in their development journey and destiny.

    After completing the practical training program and the internship, and after successfully passing the theoretical and practical exams, students are officially certified to practice unified integrative medicine.

    of Light


    About Module 1 - The 7 Universal Principles

    In this module we will learn the theoretical foundation required to understand life and its significance, from the smallest particle through all living things, to the entire universe.

    The unifying theory covered by Module 1 unifies the world of conventional medicine with the world of alternative medicine, the scientific world with the spiritual world, to form one theory comprised of only seven principles.

    Through the seven universal rules, nearly all phenomena in the universe can be explained (including those unexplained by science), thus unifying conventional medicine with alternative medicine.

    However, learning the principles is not intended solely for the purpose of acquiring theoretical knowledge.

    Once we understand the set of rules that drive the universe, the connections, ways and balances that connect the entire manifestation of our reality to form perfect harmony… something in us changes! The mind begins to relate to and process the manifestation of reality in a different way. This process is called expanding consciousness.

    Seven principles may not seem like much, but not all are easy to understand, and each principle is extremely profound. Substantiating the unified integrative theory requires the use of terms from the worlds of physics, chemistry and biology, and of course, mathematical proof. But this is no cause for concern! Dr. Nader has already taught thousands , and what renders him unique above all is his way of making complex issues accessible and easily comprehensible.

    For More Info >> Module 1
